Features of the real HP-15C
The HP-15C was a high end scientific programmable calculator and the top model of the Voyager series. Some of the main features are:
- RPN logic with 4 stack levels plus a last X (LSTx) register
- 67 addressable registers, used for storage registers or program steps.
- 19 storage registers in default configuration with 46 registers for programs (appx. 332 program steps)
- Programmable with up to 448 program steps. In this configuration only 3 storage registers are available: R0, R1 and RI
- 10 Flags and 12 conditional tests, such as x = 0, x ≠ 0 and x > y
- Indexed looping via storage gegister I
- Full storage arithmetic: STO +, −, × and ÷
- 5 softkeys, labeled A through E
- Multiple number format: FIXed, SCIentific and ENGineering
- Trigonometric functions SIN, COS and TAN
- Hyperbolic trigonometric functions SINH, COSH TANH
- Three trigonometric modes: DEGrees, RADians and GRADs
- Reverse trigonometric functions for standard and hyperbolic functions
- Mean and standard deviation of 2 variables
- Summation of n, x, x2, y, y2 and xy for statistic calculations of 2 variables
- Decimal hours and hrs.min.sec. conversions
- Polar and rectangular conversions
- Solve and root finder
- Numeric integration
- Linear regression
- Complex numbers
- Matrix operations
- Continuous memory
A more detailed feature list is available from the
HP Calculator Museum.
Additional Features of the Simulator
Additional features provided by the simulator to integrate with and benefit from the operating system.
- Data exchange with SwissMicros DM15 models
- Native support for Windows (7 and following, 64bit), macOS (up to Monterey, x86; Apple M1 via emulator) and Linux (x86, 64bit)
- The source code version should run on all unixoid operating systems supported by Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 and higher
- Pop-up menus for stack, storage registers, programs, flags, conditional tests and matrices
- Save and load programs to and from disk
- Programs can be documented, the documentation is stored with the program file
- HTML export of programs and program documentation
- Integration with the operating system's clipboard
- Code and mnenomic display of program steps (in popup menu)
- Full mouse and keyboard support
- Multi language support for popup menus and dialogues